Cardiff libdem/plaid council propose to endorse P Gwyrdd at the 11 June Exec meeting.
Full report on the councils website : It happily manages to NOT to use the word incinerator but instead refers to the incinerator as 'energy from waste'.
Project Incinerator gives no alternative - ie. Lib Rodney Berman
has already agreed it. The incomprehensible report pushes the
- incinerator ash issue aside, (para 19)
- the same with wasting the heat energy.
Residual Waste Treatment Solution only...i.e. INCINERATOR
What is Project Green ....
1.1.1 page 39 Prosiect Gwyrdd (Project Green) comprises a partnership of five South Wales unitary authorities (Cardiff, Newport, Caerphilly, Monmouthshire and Vale of Glamorgan).
The partnership is working together to identify a suitable location for a major new residual waste treatment facility to provide an alternative recovery option to the
disposal of residual municipal waste in landfill. Once the site has been selected it is
intended that a procurement process will take place to identify a preferred bidder to
develop the facility.
Questions to raise
- Is this risky and costly decision legal?..is it lawful to ignore TAN21 and development plan/waste plan policy
- Why is MBT excluded in the project spec against Cardiff policy (doesn't meet The Best Practicable Environmental Option BPEO)
- We
want the decision deferred for a special inquiry/scrutiny with public and FoE-technical presence.
e.g. The Project is aware that it will continue to ‘path-find’ throughout the procurement competitive dialogue procedure with regards to processes in Wales, as such the
Council will seek to ensure that strong liaison is maintained throughout
with the WAG officials to drive forward succinct decision making, thereby
keeping to timetable...and so on.....why not plain english....
Great news for Newport....perhaps they haven't noticed councils changing hands in Bristol over the incinerator.!!! R Berman take NOTE!!!
page 28 3(ii) Recommended site .... is known as Tatton Road, Newport. This recommendation being subject to: a Newport City Council agreeing

INCINERATOR to promote the concept of ECO Village!!!
....between the EfW plant and the Glan Llyn
development to promote the concept of an eco village’. Glan Llyn and / or Corus could
potentially receive all the output from the plant thus precluding the need to export
into the grid.
At their meeting Wednesday, 3rd June Monmouthshire CC's cabinet voted to
stay involved in Project Gwyrdd and proceed to the procurement stage.