STOP the Viridor Incinerator & Scam Gwyrdd
(project green)
Will it save money building a massive incinerator?
No, it may end up costing us a fortune and tied in to a contract councils can’t get out of.
Viridor cannot build their costly giant incinerator unless they get a long-term (25 yr) contract from
- giant incinerator 350 000t/yr, over-sized even for the 5 Scam Gwyrdd councils
- domestic waste is decreasing with more recycling,
- residual waste to reduce to 130 000 tons/yr for the 5-authority region
- other waste facilities in other Council areas could and should come much sooner
- Viridor said half their waste for burning would be industrial/commercial – but it’s not needed as their recycling is increasing fast (avoiding the high incineration costs).
Can we use the heat from the Viridor incinerator?
There can only be a WASTE of heat! There are no realistic uses for the immense 70 MW heat, year-round with no back-up supply in the event of breakdown and maintenance down-time. No evidence that Viridor has any real plans to lay costly pipes needed to actually supply any of the heat at all. Against WAG policy
Is the Viridor incinerator efficient?
It is so Very inefficient – it is called waste ‘disposal’ under European standard
Whoops and what about the DANGEROUS EMISSIONS?
What do we do with the 17,500 tonnes of hazardous toxic ash? They expect to send it
The production of poisonous dioxins
An incinerator of this sort has toxic emissions, particularly ultrafine particles (nanoparticles)
How many lorries will be driving through Cardiff every Day to deliver this rubbish to Viridor in Splott?
Could be up to
every day
Adding to congestion
And what is the carbon footprint of all this? Send the answer...