Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dangerous’ waste site Lamby Way shut down

Work at Cardiff Docks hazardous waste site suspended

BBC News - 
Seaport Environmental Limited has an permit to accept hazardous and non-hazardous liquid. But the Environment Agency has served the company with a ...

Dangerous’ waste site is shut down
Mar 31 2010 by Abby Alford, South Wales Echo

A CARDIFF waste treatment facility has been shut down amid fears it poses a “significant environmental threat” to the city.

Seaport Environmental dumped its hazardous waste in the public tip at Lamby Way.

It has also accumulated such huge quantities of untreated industrial chemicals at its site at Cardiff Docks, Environment Agency officials have become concerned that any leak or rupture could pose a risk to the area.

The Environment Agency has been unable to confirm which substances are involved, but the Echo understands they include corrosive and toxic chemicals.

Can we trust Cardiff Clllrs to protect the citizens of Cardiff - waste disposal is key! 
The tip needs to be closed NOW and an investigation set up as to what is has been dumped .. EVERY company should have been and should be monitored at Lamny Way for their waste dumping. A Public Enquiry is needed.

Health and Safety Ex 
HSE DirectorateHazardous Installations DIrectorate
HSE Immediate Prohibition Notice

Notice 301569625  served against Seaport Environmental Ltd on 03/10/2008

Notice TypeImmediate Prohibition Notice
DescriptionA letter was written to Seaport on 22 June 2007 following a mechanical integrity inspection visit with Graeme Hughes, H M Specialist Inspector. During investigation of the explosion incident at tank nr 7 which occurred on 18/09/2008 it was discovered that tank nr. 5 had been taken back into use. This tank was withdrawn from use, confirmed in a letter from Seaport dated 4 December 2007 pending further work. Some of this has been done (shotblast and repaint of half the internal space and NDT of the shell, but remaining work envisaged in the letter to Seaport has not been completed - in particular a design assessment of the saddles. Additionally an IN requiring improvement in housekeeping and segregation of incompatible substances is to be served.

Where is it?
Roath Dock/Seaport Environment, Roath Dock, CARDIFF
South Glamorgan CF1 5LX Wales

'Dangerous' waste site is shut down

WalesOnline - Abby Alford - ‎Mar 31, 2010‎
A CARDIFF waste treatment facility has been shut down amid fears it poses a “significant environmental threat” to the city. Seaport Environmental dumped its ...