Friday, November 19, 2010

Welsh Assembly phoney consumer website

Greenwash and spin? In Wales the Welsh Assembly Government have set up at great cost a Phoney 'consumer' web site Waste Awarenss Lies Wales to promote incineration. "Wales says burn don’t bury our rubbish" Why is Jane Davidson pretending to be 'green'?
Burning is not an option. Burning is not a sustainable or environmental friendly option For a  a just, toxic-free world without incineration click here 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

WAG offering bribes to councils

Cllr Mrs Anne Blackman "WAG is just offering bribes to councils to do what WAG in its blinkered vision wants them to do, such as in the case of Project Gwyrdd. (project incinerator) Offering the councils in the scheme a hefty £9.25mln each year over the 25 year Contract. Totalling approx £230mln. WAG must think money grows on trees.
I would like to get in touch with more people who think like me, but I regret to say WAG is not allowing such debate and investigation to take place. "
Anne Blackman, who represents part of the Nelson ward, recently resigned from the Liberal Democrat Party

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jane Davidson Lies and Greenwash

Wales says burn don’t bury our rubbish - No it MUSTN'T

Bury or burn is a false debate - Real recycling is the only true way forward.
Why do have we a whole organisation with website funded by WAG to promote  misinformation?

Burning/Incineration is not 'sustainable'
The European Union has a waste hierarchy which goes like this.
First reduce. Then re-use. Recycle next. And if you absolutely have to, then incinerate or dump. Wales now has one too and it is legally binding not a 'guide' as Waste Awarenss Lies Wales  tells you.
Most countries heed it well - with Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands recycling 60% of their waste. The UK has a plastics recycling rate of only 3%. In Germany the recycling rate for plastic is 70%.

Wales this week agreed a statutory recycling target of 70% by 2024/25 (see story) but councils are using phoney figures  to up their recycling rates. Cardiff has a comingled collection for recycling and quotes those  figures claiming that is the amount recycled. However it omits to mention the high volume of the 'recycling' collection that is of poor quality.  Recycling collection must result in materials of sufficiently high quality to be recycled.  And shamefully Cardiff Council collects 'bulk' rubbish  from homes and sends it all to landfill. Jane Davidson lab AM minister for rubbish does not unfortunately 'intend to issue any guidance on the type or methodology of collection in the future' (more here)

More jobs less  waste Number of potential new recycling jobs Wales 2617 says
FOE report on Recycling and Reuse versus Landfill and Incineration Jobs

The economic and employment benefits associated with sorting, reprocessing and recycling, in comparison to incineration or disposal to landfill, have been highlighted by a number of studies from the US (CASCADIA, 2009) and in the UK (Gray,2002; WRAP, 2006; WRAP, 2009).
Although landfilling and incineration still involve larger volumes, recycling now
generates more than twice the revenue of the waste management industry because recycling recovers greater economic value bound up in discarded products and equipment.
Per tonne of material processed, recycling provides approximately ten times more jobs than landfilling and incineration.
Incinerators only actually burn about 70% of what is put in.

The remaining 30% - some of which is highly toxic ash - has to be, you guessed it... buried

Up in smoke: why Friends of the Earth opposes incineration,
more info here in Friends of the Earth 2007,

None of this information is on the phoney 'consumer' web site  Waste Awarenss Lies Wales 
funded by WAG. Partners are Environment Agency Wales..