Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cardiff council coverup

Cardiff council have a briefing cover up for Cardiff Cllrs on Prosiect Gwyrdd which is as you know 5 South wales councils working with the welsh assembly to build incinerators. Cllr Stevens Con dem is chair of the board with 2 Plaid 2 ConDems and 6 Tories and he refuses to allow environmentalists from FOE or southwales WIN to give the cllrs the other side of the story.
The business case was made for this before the credit crunch - before carbon taxes were a reality - before recycling rates soared - before PFI projects were acknowledged to be bad value for money. 
Yet Cllr Stevens from Cardiff ignores all that to convince the Cardiff Counil to ignore all these risks and storm ahead recklessly to squander public money.
They refuse to admit its PFI hiding behind different acronyms

 Has this meeting been fixed between officers, who have an interest in defending their bad decisions?   
Is it not up to Cardiff Cllrs who they choose to hear at a Briefing in County Hall, and whether it should be held in private?