Thanks Cllr Berman but you are being rather pedantic! Not funny!! Shouldn't the people of Cardiff be fully informed and consulted now before you spend £1,085,000 having consultants just looking in to it ? I can tell you for free that it is a very bad idea!
Work is at an early stage? Is it Rodney?
Energy from waste = a waste of energy. Plastics and paper are the main source of calorific value in an incinerator. Burning plastics, which are oil based,
is effectively burning fossil fuels – the main factor behind global warming. Paper is produced from wood by an energy intensive process. Burning it
wastes energy and resources as well as generating pollution.
How to comply with the landfill directive without incineration
Greenpeace Scientific Journal
1. To seek authority for the Council to:-
(i) work collaboratively with up to four other South East Wales Local authorities to develop the Outline Business case and carry out all other pre-procurement preparatory work for the proposed joint procurement of a residual waste treatment facility (Prosiect Gwyrdd),
which is in line with the Council’s
Municipal Waste Management Strategy; and
9. The strategy clearly identified a need for a residual waste treatment facility in order for the targets to be met and for punitive landfill tax and infraction penalties to be avoided. ...The emphasis on residual waste treatment – and energy from waste in particular – was given renewed emphasis in the Secretary of State for the Environment’s Waste Strategy for England announced on 24 May 2007.
25. Meanwhile, officers have jointly been exploring the following preprocurement
works: project scope, procurement partnering structure, market appetite, key assumptions, and initial affordability models for each authority, site availability and project timescale.
(Approval to join Prosiect Gwyrdd and undertake pre Procurement work required to procure a residual waste treatment - Indicative date July 2007
Completion of detailed outline business case and other prep procurement work – Dec 2007 )
35. The proposed procurement is based on a notional 300-400,000 tonnes of residual waste- per annum when fully developed, responding to the current requirements of the partnership and the contribution to landfill diversion in the context of the region and the rest of Wales. However, changes in law/policy on a European or national level could have a significant impact on any proposed procurement in progress. Increased levels of recycling would reduce the amount of residual waste. (how does this promote recycling?)
The existing stated policy of the Welsh Assembly Government is:-
......· The overall level of energy from municipal waste in 2013 should not exceed an overall figure of
25%. What legal status this proviso enjoys and precisely what it means (e.g. is it 25 % for each authority or the whole of Wales?) is unclear.
I think we all should be in on this at an early stage. After all this outline buiness case and pre procurement stage is expensive as your council document indicates
"for Whilst this preserves flexibility for each authority, it should be appreciated that the costs of the
procurement exercise is likely to be considerable and if the rights are
exercised to abort the process/not to award a contract, then such
expenditure will prove abortive;"
Programme Manager with
Office £100,000 per year for 3 years
Specialist Advice:Legal, Financial, Technical accommodation £185,000 first year and £600,000 for next 2 years = £1,085,000
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