Thursday, January 31, 2008

Petitions criticise Waste Plans poor consultation

Petitions from organisations in Caerphilly and Wrecsam criticisng the poor/limited consultation over the NW and SE Regional Waste Plans are coming to the Senedd on 31 January, for prelimiary decision on how they are to be handled. They are scheduled for about 12.45 in the
Petitions Committee - Helen Brown on 029 20898998 will fix entry in advance, though it's not normally necessary.

The papers can be seen at

January 23rd 2007

Dear Committee Support Officer

Regional Waste Plans First Review

Enclosed is Together Creating Communities' petition concerning the North Wales Regional Waste Plans 1st Review.

We have serious concerns both about the content and process of the consultation that were carried out in North Wales as detailed in our formal response to the consultation, which is enclosed. In addition, please find enclosed a copy of a letter that was sent to Jane Davidson AM, Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing, and the response we received to it. A similar letter was also sent to the Regional Member Group and the Regional Technical Group. This is also enclosed. Mark Isherwood AM, Lesley Griffiths AM and Brynle Williams AM have also written to Jane Davidson, copies and responses enclosed.

We request that the National Assembly for Wales scrutinize the Welsh Assembly Government and hold them to account on the following points in particular:

The Government should recognize that the consultation in North Wales was flawed in both process and content, as explained in our consultation responses. This consultation cannot, therefore, be considered representative of the views of the people of North Wales. That as
such, the consultation should be extended in both time and scope to enable these concerns to be addressed.
To ensure that, future waste management decisions and practice as a result of this consultation should the rights of the people of Wales under the formal planning system, so that Local Authorities cannot give approval for waste facilities under the Certificate of Lawfulness Procedure.
That, as a result of this wholly inadequate consultation, best practice guidelines be developed and that these should be followed by companies contracted to undertake future consultation procedures on any issue. These guidelines should be utilized by both the Welsh Assembly Government and local authorities.
It seems there has been considerable confusion amongst all parties both as to the extent of the Welsh Assembly Government's role in the North Wales Regional Waste Plans First Review consultation and the extent of public participation required (see p. 7 of TCC's
consultation response). A letter from Hyder Consulting on 1st October (enclosed) that was passed to TCC, states that, 'The Welsh Assembly Government firmly believes that the people of Wales should be involved in the process of developing these strategies.they want members of the public to get involved.and give your views'. The Welsh Assembly Government also agreed the consultation strategy, together with the Regional Waste Groups. Correspondence since then
indicates that at a Welsh Assembly Government liaison meeting, it was agreed that, 'public meetings should not be held' (enclosed). This contradicts the statement in 'Wise About Waste: The national waste strategy for Wales, Part 1' that, although allowing as much flexibility as possible at the local authority level, this should, 'take place in full consultation with local communities' and that this should be done, 'throughout the development of waste plans/strategies', with all sections of the community participating on an equal basis (pages 1 and 11).

Given this, and the Assembly Government's involvement at an inception meeting, liaison meeting and through attendance at the Regional Waste Groups, the Welsh Assembly Government therefore must bear some responsibility for the inadequate consultation and should be held accountable on all the points made above.

We have been in contact with other individuals and organizations that are equally concerned about the consultation process and content and understand that a number of petitions are being submitted on the issue.

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