Write to scam green - info@prosiectgwyrdd.co.uk
PROJECT GREEN Prosiect Gwyrdd
Prosiect Gwyrdd is a partnership between, Caerphilly Borough County
Council, The County Council of the City and County of Cardiff,
Monmouthshire County Council, Newport Council and Vale of Glamorgan
Council partners in project 'green' to build an incinerator > and burn all their rubbish in cardiff!.
I was wondering where on this greenwash website is a mention of the
INCINERATOR word!!! Please say because I am having difficulty finding it
Where is the information about the application for planning
permission for an incinerator to be built in Cardiff?
Dear Anne,
As you can see from www.prosiectgwyrdd.co.uk , Proseict Gwyrdd is looking
at all available technology options for residual waste treatment. I hope
the website is a valuable education resource for you.
In relationto planning:
The actions by the Viridor Waste company are independent of the Councils
(Cardiff, Caerphilly, Monmouth, Newport and the Vale of Glamorgan and
their role in the regional waste procurement partnership Prosiect Gwyrdd.
It is open to Viridor (or anyone else with any suitably performing
technology proposal) to tender to the Project Gwyrdd regional procurement
exercise for residual waste, should decisions for the joint procurement to
proceed be made, it will be an open an transparent process with a number
of competitors involved. Decisions are awaited on this matter from the
five local authorities concerned and will be subject also to decisions
from the Welsh Assembly Government, notably on funding.
Any planning proposals by the company made to Cardiff Council as the
appropriate planning Authority will be dealt with independently of any
waste management matters and in the normal course of planning procedure.
In terms of your comment about the website not including the word
If you have a look at the Energy from Waste with combined heat and power
section, under the introduction you will find a sentence saying, 'for a
full detailed brief on incineration' please visit defra.co.uk (link to
this technology option).
I hope you manage to find it, it is quite clear. All of the available
options, with an introduction and full detailed brief from DEFRA are
clearly shown on the website.
Kind Regards,
Prosiect Gwyrdd
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