Taxpayer bails out Europe's biggest waste-to-energy scheme
Cardiff, Caerphilly, Newport, Monmouthshire, Vof G Councils want a big burner which Ties them into a very expensive PFI for 25 YEARS to burn waste rather than improve recycling rates. The Prosiect Gwyrdd councils are striving towards a feeble 65% recycling by 2025 with at least a further 5% being ASH from the incinerator. Many other councils have already exceeded 70% recyling rates. “Prosiect Gwyrdd” = Scam Green = WAG Welsh Waste Policy = incinerators
There has been fierce opposition to the planning application from Viridor waste management for a 350,000 tonne per year waste incinerator to be situated in Trident Park, near Splott. Cardiff Friends of the Earth has handed in objections from over 300 people and many others have also expressed their opposition.
The group has objected to the proposal on the grounds that the incinerator would burn waste which should be recycled or composted. They argue that incineration is not an efficient way of generating energy and that pollution from the site could be harmful to the health of local residents and could pollute important wildlife sites.
The objection says that household waste should be dealt with as near to where it was produced as possible, whereas an incinerator would take waste from across south east Wales, possibly much further.
Phil Ward, Waste Campaigner for Cardiff Friends of the Earth will be speaking on behalf of the group at the council meeting. He commented:
“The people of Cardiff do not want a massive incinerator at the heart of the city burning waste from across south Wales. We should all be taking radical steps to reduce the amount of waste we produce. Then we need to be recycling and composting all we can.
“Incineration is not a 'green' technology and there is no sense in driving huge amounts of waste around the country increasing congestion and pollution. Other, less damaging and more sustainable, technologies are available that could be implemented in each local area "
Don't send your toxic incinerator waste to us SWARD
Ecologist 7th October, 2009
A report from Friends of the Earth reveals the huge extent of the pollution and financial losses caused by our love of landfill and incineration more...The Institute for Zero Waste in Africa has also contributed to the consultation! Download the Institute for Zero Waste in Africa submission.
Wales Climate Camp The Minister depicted Prosiect Gwyrdd as "producing much needed energy" that would "use waste in the best possible way", despite the consortium claiming their Business case for procuring a ‘solution’ for residual waste is technology-neutral WAG Approval of the business case and subsidy for Prosiect Gwyrdd, 27 Jan. 2009: New funding boost for next generation energy-from-waste plant in south Wales Why are incinerator residues not counted in the recycling/composting indicator? here Classification of Incinerator Bottom Ash (updated 29 Nov. 2008) Facebook Groups No Incinerator in Cardiff Bay here - Councils Scam Gwyrdd Scottish Parliament: National Waste StrategyCardiff and the V PGwyrdd_ EvaluShortlist_Feb09.pdf
ale of Glamogan to find an iFears aired over Newport waste plant (From South Wales Argus)
Newport’s cabinet gave the go ahead to allow an Assembly-owned site on Tatton Road to be considered for the project. The site, in the industrial area of Queensway Meadows, is likely to be the only publicly owned site earmarked for the plant.
Evaluation of all shortlisted sites here