Can't change hundreds of tons of rubbish into NOTHING! No incineration produces ZERO Waste . Ms Davidson said: "We need new collection services and new infrastructure (incinerators?..really?) to use waste in the best possible way (waste to toxins best?) and stop dumping in landfill. opens the way for Prosiect Gwyrdd to move forwards so we can make the most of our resources by producing much-needed energy," she added. (?????) ... But when applied to incinerators, "energy from waste" is a dangerous euphemism. Far from being a sensible, environmentally friendly solution to the enormous amount of waste created in Wales, incineration is a nasty quick fix to deal with our ever-growing waste mountain. Government "peddling myth" of green energy-from-waste here ..FoE's Senior Waste Campaigner, Dr Michael Warhurst said:"The government and waste industry must stop peddling the myth that waste incineration is green energy. Incinerators can generate electricity, but they produce more climate emissions than a gas-fired power station."And they are using your money..Covanta Waste-to-Toxins Incinerator |
30 Jan 09 Covanta Energy has had detailed discussions about the project with WAG) and IBW, and will begin consulting February 2 with the local population
1st Feb 2009 ...The project, which is being developed following discussions
with International Business Wales (IBW) and the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG),.....
Layne, Stephen (DE&T - PSCS)
Powell. Mark (DE&T PSCS)
26 January 2009 17:38
Mel Hiscox
Cc: Linnard, Sharon (DE&T Ops Invest Wales); Williams, lan (DE&T -lBW); Geraint Jones; Hnyda, Mike (DE&T
-lBW); EKin-Wood. Shan (DE&T MCT); PS Deputy First Minister
Subject: 20090126
Importance: High
'Thanks Mel.
think that we have a potential problem with the Minister being involved in the formal announcement. That concerns the fact that the company has not yet applied for planning permission, that it does not intend to do so for some months, that the
activity could generate local hostility and that the planning application could potentially be called in.
have spoken to Chris Warner who is uneasy but we have agreed to re-group tomorrow.
"'Mark Powell
-Head of Government Business
'Policy, Strategy and Corporate Services and International Business Wales
Department for the Economy and Transport
'Ias Glyndwr
Cardiff F10 3AH
Tel: +44 29 2036 8253
Mobile: +44 7769 883271
From: EKin-Wood, Shan (DE&T MCT)
sent: 26 January 2009 10:02
To: Powell, Mark (DE&T PSCS)
Subject: FW: Covanta
Hi Mark - do you want me to draft some comments or do u have some bullet points with the key messages we want to get across. Having read the documents we obviously need to mention his visit to several of the company 's operations in US, world leading technology etc plus potential for attracting others companies, environmental benefits - although we need to be a bit careful as planning has not been lodged or approved yet.
How do you want to do this??
Shan Ekin-Wood
Operational PR Manager/Rheolydd Cysylltiadau Cyhoeddus Gweithredol
Welsh Assembly Govemment/llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru
TeVFfon 02920 898636
From: Mel Hiscox []
Sent: 25 January 2009 19:55
To: Powell, Mark (DE&T PSCS)
Cc: Geralnt Jonesj EKin-Wood, Shan (DE&T Mer); PS Deputy Rrst Minister
Subject: Covanta
Hi Mark.
Hope you had a good weekend.
~ discussed on Friday, please find attached suggested press release from Covanta.
From our side everything looks fine on content and the company have been very agreeable to us working this up with them.
With regards to the DFM comment requested, Chrls Warner IS aware that I'm channelling this through yourself and will wait to hear from you (Shan also). Could I just ask that any comment include a reference to the DFM's visit to the company and meeting with them during the Ryder Cup in Kentucky.
Further detailed project info. is also attached in a draft letter (awaiting further changes so please treat as confidential at this stage) which will be sent out to all local authority leaders on Saturday 31 61 January (For North Wales consortium, Chris Everet Flintshire) is leading so a personalised version of this will be sent to him for the group). An electronic copy will also be emailed
to all of them on Monday, February 2nd to coincide with the launch date. The only departure from this will be a planned meeting on Monday, 26th January with Jeff Edwards of MTBC but I understand from the client he is already aware of and supportive of the project.
For your background info., plann ed timeline of events over the next week or so are as follows:
• Monday, 26th January - Meeting with MTBC.
• Wednesday, 28th January - Working lunch with DFM to advise and discuss launch.
• Thursday 29th
/ Friday 30th
- Other senior officials from MTBC and CCBC to be advised of forthcoming release (not
detailed info. but heads up )
• Monday, 2nd February - 11 :OOam Press release and official launch date. DFM to visit site for tour and press.
:Chris / Shan.......Thanks again for your help with this. I shall funnel further developments through Mark this week given time
jiff. etc. we have one point of contact with most up to date info.) Geraint is also in Wales on business this week so where
Jossible will attend relevant meetings from our side also.
Mark....hope this is OK, thanks for you r help. Please give me a call to chat through your thoughts when you get a moment.
Hope to speak soon, all the best,
Mr. Mel Hiscox Senior Vice President International Business Wales
Wales International Center, The Chrysler Building
405 Lexington Avenue, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10174
Direct: +1 (646) 7 92 8922/ Cell (US): +1 (917) 815 7294/ Mobile (UK): +44 (0)7757 681926
International Business Wales is the main investment arm of the Welsh Assembly Government. Our free and confidential service is aimed at giving you everything you need to set up or expand your company's operations in Wales. UK.
Jeff Edwards is the Mert h yr Leader (Independents) who denied he ever met Covanta pre-january, and then had to admit lying because they had agreed to keep the 22 Sept meeting secret.
'Mr Lewis and Labour Group leader Brendan Toomey claim to have seen documents released under a Freedom of Information request that show Coun Edwards signalled support for Covanta in September, despite claims in January that he had no previous dealings with the company.' more here
Labour group leader Brendon Toomey added: ‘It appears that clandestine meetings have taken place’.
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