By allowing only a short time over Xmas for bids, they'll hope that only the incinerator companies they've been encouraging would get bids in.
Prosiect Gwyrdd – financial unsoundness hidden
The cost of "do minimum" landfill is cheaper!!! And with MBT it could come down further.
But it seems there is no problems of tight Council budgets and a bankrupt economy for these South Wales councils!
They ignore criticisms of this £1100 million PFI project. What right have our Cllr to mortgage our communities for 25-30 years*? They are going for Private Finance over 25-30 yr, despite cross-party opposition in Wales to high cost, inflexible PFI!
RIGGED for incineration
Not GREEN - They claim they have not chosen technology, yet the prospectus advertised by P Gwyrdd has been rigged to attract large incinerator companies and fix a long-term commitment to incineration, instead of cheaper low-tech mechanical and biological treatment systems.
PGwyrdd has made a mockery of Stakeholder participation, with only two from FoE but scarcely
anyone else as ‘public’ stakeholders at their 7th Sept. event. The rest are council officials etc!!
P Gwyrdd claimed to meet Welsh Strategy targets, but there is no mention of the maximum residual waste per person of 150kg, which means 125 000 tonnes maximum compared with their guide figure of 160 000 tonnes
(35% of 460 000t).
They’ve told Councils to claim to the public that they aim to “recycle and compost as much waste as possible”.
Yet the 65% falls far short of that claim, being less than already achieved in Europe, eg. Flanders, and far below the 80-90% figures said possible by their consultants.
They say nothing about toxic residues from waste combustion and the requirement under the proximity principle to have an outlet in SE Wales (they bother to offer help over waste transfer stations but not over a disposal site).
They set no requirement on energy efficiency, despite Welsh strategy on 60% minimum.
*Friends of the Earth from experience in England warns us against long-term waste deals with private companies (Long waste contracts