Monday, December 21, 2009

Viridor MISLEAD public over incinerator

 INCINERATOR Carbon sinner

We must change climate discourse to emphasise social benefits of cutting carbon. New Labour and Plaid Cymru in Wales must  increase recycling and have more ambitious targets and say NO to building incinerators and NO to the massive Viridor incinerator and hundreds of rubbish lorries travelling into Cardiff every day.

Viridor is misleading the public calling this huge incinerator 'Energy from Waste'
which is not aimed at reclaiming the energy, not being located suitably for uses of the heat,  but has waste disposal as primary purpose.
  In the Environments Agency's own phrasing it's a "carbon sinner".
Viridor are appealing to WAG planning for their Incinerator so Take Action before Christmas Eve
To object write to the Welsh Assembly Planning Inspectorate
Objections by 24 December 2009 quoting appeal referenceAPP/Z6815/A/09/2113747/WF

Politicians shouldn't be afraid of this low carbon agenda - they should be actively promoting it.

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