Monday, December 21, 2009

Viridor MISLEAD public over incinerator

 INCINERATOR Carbon sinner

We must change climate discourse to emphasise social benefits of cutting carbon. New Labour and Plaid Cymru in Wales must  increase recycling and have more ambitious targets and say NO to building incinerators and NO to the massive Viridor incinerator and hundreds of rubbish lorries travelling into Cardiff every day.

Viridor is misleading the public calling this huge incinerator 'Energy from Waste'
which is not aimed at reclaiming the energy, not being located suitably for uses of the heat,  but has waste disposal as primary purpose.
  In the Environments Agency's own phrasing it's a "carbon sinner".
Viridor are appealing to WAG planning for their Incinerator so Take Action before Christmas Eve
To object write to the Welsh Assembly Planning Inspectorate
Objections by 24 December 2009 quoting appeal referenceAPP/Z6815/A/09/2113747/WF

Politicians shouldn't be afraid of this low carbon agenda - they should be actively promoting it.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Viridor appeal case

Viridor appeal docs

Summary details of case
The erection of an energy from waste facility with combined heat and power plant and ancillary offices at Trident Park, Glass Avenue, off Ocean Way, Cardiff.

Planning Inspectorate Contacts
The Case Officer is Dawn McGowan
You can call our Customer Support Line on 02920 823866

Appeal stages and dates
<!---- PCSWR-799 --->
QuestionnaireStatements &
Appeal form &
Questionnaire &
attachments &
of Evidence
Site noticeDecision
Start date:
12 Nov 2009
Due date:
26 Nov 2009
Due date:
4 Mar 2010
Due date:
25 Mar 2009
Due date:
Not arranged
Not decided
 Documents for APP/Z6815/A/09/2113747 Help

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Document Name File Size Recipients
-Evidence / Initial documents
  -Initial Documents
   Document: Covering Letter Covering Letter367 KB-
   Document: Scanned planning appeal Scanned planning appeal985 KB-
   Document: Refusal Notice Refusal Notice1.96 MB-
   Document: Trident Park - Application Forms Trident Park - Application Forms1.76 MB-
   Document: Application Plans Application Plans7 MB-
   Document: Supporting Statement - Application Stage Supporting Statement - Application Stage10.81 MB-
   Document: Environmental Statement Environmental Statement25.31 MB-
   Document: Appendix 1- Scoping Letter & Report Appendix 1- Scoping Letter & Report1.09 MB-
   Document: Appendix 2 - Scoping Opinion Appendix 2 - Scoping Opinion3.02 MB-
   Document: Appendix 3 - Statement of Community Involvement Appendix 3 - Statement of Community Involvement10.76 MB-
   Document: Appendix 4 - Planning History Appendix 4 - Planning History713 KB-
   Document: Appendix 5 - Flood Risk Assessment Appendix 5 - Flood Risk Assessment14.33 MB-
   Document: Appendix 6 - CNIM Design Specification Appendix 6 - CNIM Design Specification3.92 MB-
   Document: Appendix 7 - Heat Plan Appendix 7 - Heat Plan5.36 MB-
   Document: Appendix 8 - Travel Plan Appendix 8 - Travel Plan2.79 MB-
   Document: Appendix 9 - Carbon Footprint Appendix 9 - Carbon Footprint742 KB-
   Document: Appendix 10 - Sustainability Appraisal Appendix 10 - Sustainability Appraisal1.17 MB-
   Document: Appendix 11 - Provisional BREEAM Assessment Appendix 11 - Provisional BREEAM Assessment995 KB-
   Document: Appendix 12 - Human Health Risk Assessment Appendix 12 - Human Health Risk Assessment975 KB-
   Document: Appendix 13 - Site Assessment Report Appendix 13 - Site Assessment Report22.33 MB-
   Document: Appendix 14 - Preliminary Contamination Assessment Appendix 14 - Preliminary Contamination Assessment13.4 MB-
   Document: Appendix 15 - Land Quality Risk Assessment Appendix 15 - Land Quality Risk Assessment30.7 MB-
   Document: Appendix 16 - Transport Assessment Appendix 16 - Transport Assessment12.45 MB-
   Document: Appendix 17 - SEWBREC Ecology report Appendix 17 - SEWBREC Ecology report50.91 MB-
   Document: Appendix 18 - Built Heritage Features Appendix 18 - Built Heritage Features1.28 MB-
   Document: Appendix 19 - Air Quality Assessment Appendix 19 - Air Quality Assessment11.47 MB-
   Document: Appendix 20 - Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment Appendix 20 - Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment88.16 MB-
   Document: Appendix 21 - Accoustic Appendices Appendix 21 - Accoustic Appendices2.74 MB-
   Document: Copies of Correspondence  Copies of Correspondence 15.77 MB-
-Evidence / Local authority's case
  -Local Authority's Questionnaire
   Document: Questionnaire part 1  Questionnaire part 1 18.5 MB-
   Document: Questionnaire part 2  Questionnaire part 2 19.87 MB-
   Document: Questionnaire part 3  Questionnaire part 3 18.71 MB-
   Document: Questionnaire part 4  Questionnaire part 4 20.56 MB-
   Document: Questionnaire part 5  Questionnaire part 5 18.42 MB-
   Document: Questionnaire part 6  Questionnaire part 6 15.76 MB-
   Document: Questionnaire part 7  Questionnaire part 7 9.33 MB-
   Document: Questionnaire part 8  Questionnaire part 8 9.79 MB-
   Document: Questionnaire part 9  Questionnaire part 9 12.3 MB-

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Prosiect Gwyrdd Numbers Rigged

The business case doesn't work  with falling tonnageProsiect Gwyrdd just carry on with the old numbers that they rigged to work!
Wales has had 4 straight years of falling MSW. It is still falling this year. no waste growth is justifiable as it will not gone up any year in 5.
The Project Manager's excuse for using the old figures is "we all know waste growth changes have occurred and declined in the past two years" and "predictions are under review".

Spreadsheet for Wales that could be up-dated reports. It is still falling abut 4% in 2009/10.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Prosiect Gwyrdd RIGGED for incineration

PG's deception campaign!!
By allowing only a short time over Xmas for bids, they'll hope that only the incinerator companies they've been encouraging would get bids in.


Prosiect Gwyrdd – financial unsoundness hidden

The cost of "do minimum" landfill is cheaper!!! And with MBT it could come down further.
But it seems there is no problems of tight Council budgets and a bankrupt economy for these South Wales councils!
They ignore criticisms of this £1100 million PFI project. What right have our Cllr to mortgage our communities for 25-30 years*? They are going for Private Finance over 25-30 yr, despite cross-party opposition in Wales to high cost, inflexible PFI!

RIGGED for incineration

Not GREEN - They claim they have not chosen technology, yet the prospectus advertised by P Gwyrdd has been rigged to attract large incinerator companies and fix a long-term commitment to incineration, instead of cheaper low-tech mechanical and biological treatment systems.

PGwyrdd has made a mockery of Stakeholder participation, with only two from FoE but scarcely
anyone else as ‘public’ stakeholders at their 7th Sept. event.
The rest are council officials etc!!

P Gwyrdd claimed to meet Welsh Strategy targets, but there is no mention of the maximum residual waste per person of 150kg, which means 125 000 tonnes maximum compared with their guide figure of 160 000 tonnes
(35% of 460 000t).

They’ve told Councils to claim to the public that they aim to “recycle and compost as much waste as possible”.
Yet the 65% falls far short of that claim, being less than already achieved in Europe, eg. Flanders, and far below the 80-90% figures said possible by their consultants.

They say nothing about toxic residues from waste combustion and the requirement under the proximity principle to have an outlet in SE Wales (they bother to offer help over waste transfer stations but not over a disposal site).

They set no requirement on energy efficiency, despite Welsh strategy on 60% minimum.

*Friends of the Earth from experience in England warns us against long-term waste deals with private companies (Long waste contracts

Friday, November 27, 2009

Project greenwash propaganda campaign

PG's propaganda campaign!!

No problems of tight Council budgets and a bankrupt economy for these South Wales councils!

The procurement ignores criticisms of this £1100 million project.
What right have our Cllr to mortgage our communities for 25-30 years?
They are going for Private Finance over 25-30 yr, despite cross-party opposition in Wales to high cost, inflexible PFI!

P Gwyrdd claimed to meet Welsh Strategy targets, but there is no mention of the maximum residual waste per person of 150kg, which means 125 000 tonnes maximum compared with their guide figure of 160 000 tonnes
(35% of 460 000t).

They’ve told Councils to claim to the public that they aim to “recycle and compost as much waste as possible”.
Yet the 65% falls far short of that claim, being less than already achieved in Europe, eg. Flanders, and far below the 80-90% figures said possible by their consultants.

They say nothing about toxic residues from waste combustion and the requirement under the proximity principle to have an outlet in SE Wales (they bother to offer help over waste transfer stations but not over a disposal site).

They set no requirement on energy efficiency, despite Welsh strategy on 60% minimum.

PGwyrdd has made a mockery of Stakeholder participation, with only two from FoE but scarcely
anyone else as ‘public’ stakeholders at their 7th Sept. event.
The rest are council officals etc!!

They claim they have not chosen technology, yet the prospectus advertised by P Gwyrdd has been rigged to attract large incinerator companies and fix a long-term commitment to incineration, instead of cheaper low-tech mechanical and biological treatment systems.

Friends of the Earth from experience in England warns us against long-term waste deals with private companies (Long waste contracts

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

STOP the Viridor INCINERATOR again!

Viridor Waste Management Ltd has appealed against the refusal of planning permission by Cardiff Council for a massive incinerator! The appeal goes to the Welsh Assembly.Viridor incinerator appeal to be decided by public enquiry and a site visit from planning inspectorate.

TAKE ACTION today...

Write to the Welsh Assembly Planning Inspectorate

Crown Buildings Cardiff CF10 3NQ

Objections by 24 December 2009 quoting appeal reference

very inconvienient timing for the unsuspecting public...

Viridor are planning a massive incinerator in Trident Park, between Ocean Way and the Docks.This will burn 350,000 tonnes of waste a year.

Some points to raise again..

It is too big! Burning waste from all over South Wales
Big incinerator contracts for large amounts of waste have been
shown to reduce recycling rates.

260 more lorries per day on Cardiff Roads!
All day increasing pollution and congestion!

Greenhouse gases - ultra fine particles and dioxins
Incinerators have the highest emissions of harmful substances compared with other waste management options. It
produces of poisonous dioxins -An incinerator of this sort has toxic emissions, particularly ultrafine particles (nanoparticles)

Toxic Waste - 120,000 tonnes of waste ash per year!
One third of waste will become ASH. 17,500 tonnes of that will be
toxic and need special hazardous waste disposal.
What do we do with the 17,500 tonnes of hazardous toxic ash?
They expect to send it to England at great cost to dumps with huge local opposition.

Generating energy from burning waste is NOT efficient or renewable

Can we use the heat from the Viridor incinerator?

There can only be a WASTE of heat! There are no realistic uses for the immense 70 MW heat, year-round with no back-up supply in the event of breakdown and maintenance down-time. No evidence that Viridor has any real plans to lay costly pipes needed to actually supply any of the heat at all. Against WAG policy

Waste should be dealt with locally using MBT (mechanical, biological, treatments,) which produces soil and reclaims recyclables.
We need to MAXIMISE recycling and composting

TAKE ACTION write a letter of objection

Write to Welsh Assembly, Planning Inspectorate, Crown Buildings
Cardiff CF10 3NQ

Objections by 24 December 2009 quoting appeal reference

free guide to appeals from inspectorate..029 2082 3889

Viridor have been encouraged by the promotion of
Project Gwyrdd
(project green)

Will it save money building a massive incinerator?

No, it may end up costing us a fortune and tied in to a contract councils can’t get out of.

Viridor cannot build their costly giant incinerator unless they get a long-term (25 yr) contract from Cardiff and the other Councils, who would then not try to meet their recycling and residual waste targets. This has already happened to some English Councils, who find their predecessors signed contracts for more waste than is now being produced, so send their recycling collections too or pay a penalty. Having an incinerator would actually prevent increasing recycling and composting rates at a later date.


  • giant incinerator 350 000t/yr, over-sized even for the 5 Scam Gwyrdd councils
  • domestic waste is decreasing with more recycling,
  • residual waste to reduce to 130 000 tons/yr for the 5-authority region
  • other waste facilities in other Council areas could and should come much sooner
  • Viridor said half their waste for burning would be industrial/commercial – but it’s not needed as their recycling is increasing fast (avoiding the high incineration costs).

Is the Viridor incinerator efficient?

It is so Very inefficient – it is called waste ‘disposal’ under European standard