Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Cardiff Against the Incinerator action today in Cardiff and Newport

Join the action today....
On Tuesday Cardiff Against the Incinerator is taking action in two locations - we will lobby the Environment Agency again at the 
National Museum Park Place Cardiff on Tuesday 7th Sept from 12:30-1:30

Cardiff Against the Incinerator will 
also have a presence in Newport from 11am to 2pm in John Frost Square, in support of the Newport campaign against incineration & combustion plants which are being planned in the city.

The planned BioGen incinerator in Newport and the planned Viridor incinerator in Cardiff are both part of the same scheme, Prosiect Gwyrdd, which is pursuing hazardous and environmentally-unsound solutions to South Wales' waste problem while ignoring the wishes of the general public. Similar schemes are being pursued in Merthyr Tydfil, Barry and Flintshire.

Scientific evidence shows an association between living within 3km of an incinerator and an increased risk of cancers, particularly liver cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and soft-tissue sarcoma. Prosiect Gwyrdd, a consortium of Newport, Cardiff, Vale of Glamorgan, Caerphilly and Monmouthshire councils, meanwhile, is ignoring science in favour of industry propaganda and documents which the Royal Society describe as "misleading".

Cardiff Against the Incinerator offers solidarity to other local campaigns against environmentally unsound waste solutions in support of a united, working-class movement across Wales and Britain. It is a member of the UK Without Incineration Network.
Contact:Edmund Schluessel, campaign secretary 07947 214169
cardiffagainsttheincinerator@ gmail.com twitter: @nocardiffburner

some of our recent campaign coverage ...

Protest over incinerator plans

WalesOnline - 25 Aug 2010
They claim the people of Cardiff should have been consulted about the plans to buildincinerators. Catherine Pleace, a teacher from Splott said: “There is ...

Incinerator plan comes under fire

Morning Star Online - 26 Aug 2010
Cardiff Against the Incinerator activists staged a protest in nearby Penarth, where there was a travelling display van run by the council to promote the ...

New deadline on incinerator views

BBC News - ‎Aug 31, 2010‎
The deadline has been extended for people to give their views about the granting of an environmental permit for a £150m waste incinerator. ...

Splott incinerator consultation period extended

WalesOnline - ‎Aug 31, 2010‎
The Environment Agency has extended the time for people to give their comments about the Viridor incinerator. The consultation period was due to end on ...

Environment Agency extend consultation on Viridor draft permit

The Guardian - ‎Aug 31, 2010‎
Environment Agency Wales has agreed to extend the consultation time limit on their draft decision for the Viridor waste incinerator plant following pressure ...

1 comment:

No To LandRaise said...

'.. Environmental groups are demanding an end to the building of new waste incinerators, which they say will undermine recycling. Experts question whether Britain will produce enough household waste to fuel energy-from-waste plants as the country improves its recycling efforts. And they warn that waste will have to be diverted from sustainable recycling schemes or imported from elsewhere to keep a rash of new planned waste incinerators working ..'
