Monday, October 26, 2009

STOP the Viridor Incinerator & Scam Gwyrdd

STOP the Viridor Incinerator & Scam Gwyrdd

(project green)

Will it save money building a massive incinerator?

No, it may end up costing us a fortune and tied in to a contract councils can’t get out of.

Viridor cannot build their costly giant incinerator unless they get a long-term (25 yr) contract from Cardiff and the other Councils, who would then not try to meet their recycling and residual waste targets. This has already happened to some English Councils, who find their predecessors signed contracts for more waste than is now being produced, so send their recycling collections too or pay a penalty. Having an incinerator would actually prevent increasing recycling and composting rates at a later date.


  • giant incinerator 350 000t/yr, over-sized even for the 5 Scam Gwyrdd councils
  • domestic waste is decreasing with more recycling,
  • residual waste to reduce to 130 000 tons/yr for the 5-authority region
  • other waste facilities in other Council areas could and should come much sooner
  • Viridor said half their waste for burning would be industrial/commercial – but it’s not needed as their recycling is increasing fast (avoiding the high incineration costs).

Can we use the heat from the Viridor incinerator?

There can only be a WASTE of heat! There are no realistic uses for the immense 70 MW heat, year-round with no back-up supply in the event of breakdown and maintenance down-time. No evidence that Viridor has any real plans to lay costly pipes needed to actually supply any of the heat at all. Against WAG policy

Is the Viridor incinerator efficient?

It is so Very inefficient – it is called waste ‘disposal’ under European standard

Whoops and what about the DANGEROUS EMISSIONS?

What do we do with the 17,500 tonnes of hazardous toxic ash? They expect to send it to England at great cost to dumps with huge local opposition.

The production of poisonous dioxins

An incinerator of this sort has toxic emissions, particularly ultrafine particles (nanoparticles)

How many lorries will be driving through Cardiff every Day to deliver this rubbish to Viridor in Splott?

Could be up to


every day

Adding to congestion

And what is the carbon footprint of all this? Send the answer...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Make Wales Green No INCINERATORS

Viridor press release

Time for AMs to prove how green they are - speak out against Scam Gwyrdd - project green and incineration!
Viridor's appeal is likely to go to the Welsh Assembly, so lobby your AM
Council planning committee have thrown out the application for Viridor but the Lib Dems/Plaid Cymru still promoting Scam Gwyrdd = project green and building an INCINERATOR

They work for you - find your MP..AM..cllr

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

No Again to Viridor incinerator!

No surprise then Viridor has decided to appeal about the incinerator. Their press release makes a clear link between the Cardiff incinerator and Prosiect Grywdd - which is the agreement amongst some south east wales local authorities to combine their waste problem. Viridor wants to drive it all through Cardiff in lots of lovely dirty lorries... probably through Bute park!!

Scotland aims for 70% real cycling, 25% cap on incineration;
Wales aims for 63% real recycling, 37% cap on incineration. Assembly politicians should be ashamed of what WAG is foisting on Wales in the guise of ‘ambitious recycling’. Worrying promotion of incineration WAG Approval of the business case and subsidy for Prosiect Gwyrdd, 27 Jan. 2009: New funding boost for next generation energy-from-waste plant in south Wales The Minister depicted Prosiect Gwyrdd as "producing much needed energy" that would "use waste in the best possible way", despite the consortium claiming their Business case for procuring a ‘solution’ for residual waste is technology-neutral (

Viridor appeals energy from waste planning decision

19 October, 2009

Viridor has announced it is to appeal the decision taken by Cardiff Council's planning committee to refuse planning permission for an Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power facility at Trident Park in Cardiff Bay.

The move comes after the city's planning committee went against the advice of its own officers in July and refused permission to build the facility, citing the fact waste could be brought in from other parts of south Wales as the reason....