Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Third sector contribution to tackling climate change and renewable energy

Third Sector tackling climate change and renewable energy survey / Arolwg Trydydd Sector - newid hinsawdd ac ynni adnewyddiadwy

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Cyfraniad y trydydd sector at fynd i’r afael â newid yn yr hinsawdd ac ynni adnewyddadwy

Yn ystod un o’r cyfarfodydd a gynhelir ddwywaith y flwyddyn rhwng Gweinidogion Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru a chynrychiolwyr y sector ym mis Gorffennaf 2007, gofynnodd Jane Davidson AC, y Gweinidog dros yr Amgylchedd, Cynaliadwyedd a Thai, i’r sector ystyried blaenoriaethau allweddol yn ei phortffolio - newid yn yr hinsawdd ac ynni adnewyddadwy - a’r hyn y gallai’r sector ei wneud yn y meysydd hyn.

Yn ymateb i gais y Gweinidog, bydd Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru (WCVA) yn cydlynu’r gwaith hwn ar y cyd â grŵp cynllunio’r cyfarfodydd Gweinidogol, Cyswllt Amgylchedd Cymru, Cynnal Cymru, a’r Comisiwn Datblygu Cynaliadwy. Rydym eisiau gwybod beth mae’r sector yn ei wneud ar hyn o bryd yn y meysydd hyn a beth arall y carai’r sector ei wneud. Cyflwynir y wybodaeth hon gerbron y cyfarfod nesaf gyda’r Gweinidog ym mis Tachwedd 2007, gyda’r nod o ddarparu gwybodaeth a dylanwadu ar bolisïau ac adnoddau Llywodraeth y Cynulliad yn y dyfodol.

Os hoffech gymryd rhan, cliciwch ar a llenwi’r arolwg erbyn 5.00 p.m. dydd Gwener 12 Hydref 2007. Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau am y gwaith hwn, cysylltwch â Gwenan Davies, Swyddog Polisi WCVA, ar 01686 611050 neu

At one of the twice yearly meetings between Welsh Assembly Government Ministers and sector representatives in July 2007, Jane Davidson AM, the Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing, asked the sector to consider key priorities within her portfolio - climate change and renewable energy - and what the sector could do in these areas.

In response to the Minister's request, Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) will be co-coordinating this work in conjunction with the Ministerial meeting planning group, Wales Environment Link, Cynnal Cymru-Sustain Wales, and the Sustainable Development Commission. We are interested in finding out what the sector is currently doing in these areas and what more the sector would like to do. This information will be taken to the next meeting with the Minister in November 2007, with the aim of informing and influencing future Assembly Government policy and resourcing.

If you would like to participate, please click on and complete the survey by 5.00 p.m. Friday 12 October 2007. If you have any queries about this work, please contact Gwenan Davies, WCVA Policy Officer on 01686 611050 or

Gerald Lewis Mid Wales Administrator / Gweinyddwr Canolbarth Cymru Tel: 01686 611050 Fax: 01686 627863 e-mail:
Wales Council for Voluntary Action
Europe Direct
Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru

Third sector contribution to tackling climate change and renewable energy

Third Sector tackling climate change and renewable energy survey / Arolwg Trydydd Sector - newid hinsawdd ac ynni adnewyddiadwy

Please scroll down for message in English

Cyfraniad y trydydd sector at fynd i’r afael â newid yn yr hinsawdd ac ynni adnewyddadwy

Yn ystod un o’r cyfarfodydd a gynhelir ddwywaith y flwyddyn rhwng Gweinidogion Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru a chynrychiolwyr y sector ym mis Gorffennaf 2007, gofynnodd Jane Davidson AC, y Gweinidog dros yr Amgylchedd, Cynaliadwyedd a Thai, i’r sector ystyried blaenoriaethau allweddol yn ei phortffolio - newid yn yr hinsawdd ac ynni adnewyddadwy - a’r hyn y gallai’r sector ei wneud yn y meysydd hyn.

Yn ymateb i gais y Gweinidog, bydd Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru (WCVA) yn cydlynu’r gwaith hwn ar y cyd â grŵp cynllunio’r cyfarfodydd Gweinidogol, Cyswllt Amgylchedd Cymru, Cynnal Cymru, a’r Comisiwn Datblygu Cynaliadwy. Rydym eisiau gwybod beth mae’r sector yn ei wneud ar hyn o bryd yn y meysydd hyn a beth arall y carai’r sector ei wneud. Cyflwynir y wybodaeth hon gerbron y cyfarfod nesaf gyda’r Gweinidog ym mis Tachwedd 2007, gyda’r nod o ddarparu gwybodaeth a dylanwadu ar bolisïau ac adnoddau Llywodraeth y Cynulliad yn y dyfodol.

Os hoffech gymryd rhan, cliciwch ar a llenwi’r arolwg erbyn 5.00 p.m. dydd Gwener 12 Hydref 2007. Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau am y gwaith hwn, cysylltwch â Gwenan Davies, Swyddog Polisi WCVA, ar 01686 611050 neu

At one of the twice yearly meetings between Welsh Assembly Government Ministers and sector representatives in July 2007, Jane Davidson AM, the Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing, asked the sector to consider key priorities within her portfolio - climate change and renewable energy - and what the sector could do in these areas.

In response to the Minister's request, Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) will be co-coordinating this work in conjunction with the Ministerial meeting planning group, Wales Environment Link, Cynnal Cymru-Sustain Wales, and the Sustainable Development Commission. We are interested in finding out what the sector is currently doing in these areas and what more the sector would like to do. This information will be taken to the next meeting with the Minister in November 2007, with the aim of informing and influencing future Assembly Government policy and resourcing.

If you would like to participate, please click on and complete the survey by 5.00 p.m. Friday 12 October 2007. If you have any queries about this work, please contact Gwenan Davies, WCVA Policy Officer on 01686 611050 or

Gerald Lewis Mid Wales Administrator / Gweinyddwr Canolbarth Cymru Tel: 01686 611050 Fax: 01686 627863 e-mail:
Wales Council for Voluntary Action
Europe Direct
Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru

Monday, October 22, 2007

Incinerator enigma! letter to the echo

Dear Editor Incinerator Puzzle

As the Lib-Dems centrally oppose incineration, I was puzzled why Cardiff's Lib-Dems are driving towards an incinerator in Cardiff Bay. But the record of their chief officer explains a lot.I see Phil Sherratt was with Greater Manchester Waste where he started kerbside collections, but costly wheelie bins too. He also promoted the Bolton incinerator with 128,000 tonnes design capacity for 80,000 tonnes of local arisings, which has never operated to the design capacity. Moving to Mercia Waste Management he headed up their team which argued the Kidderminster incinerator was essential. The incinerator Inquiry was humiliating (for MMW) when the Inspector refused their appeal in spite of MWM having a PPC permit and a long term contract - and left MWM with no 'plan B'.

So his record in Cardiff is not so different - slow and poor on recycling, proposed to make refuse-drived fuel for cement kilns, filled up Lamby Way tip with commercial refuse and delayed planning for a replacement, then left Councillors with the one option - ie. Viridor's incinerator at 400 000 tonnes capacity, far above the non-recyclable waste total of under 100 000 tonnes per year.

Max WallisSE Wales FOE group on waste

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Ruddock backs anaerobic digestion for food waste

Minister Joan Ruddock has spoken of the forthcoming protocol for anaerobic digestion to be published next year, as she explained what is being done to bring more certainty for investors regarding the technology.
Mrs Ruddock was giving the key note speech yesterday at the Environmental Services Association conference on anaerobic digestion in Westminster.17-10-2007

Friday, October 19, 2007

Incinerator's cost doubles

Exclusive by Jess Bauldry and Lawrence Marzouk
The construction costs of a controversial incinerator project have more than doubled from original estimates.

A total of £145.7 million will now have to be paid by waste contractor Veolia just to prepare the site in Newhaven and to build the incinerator.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Project Greenwash Officer

The Cardiff County Council Officer for Prosiect Gwyrdd is Robert Lambourne.

The Council representatives for the Members Steering Group are Cllr Mark Stephens and Cllr Elgan Morgan.

Project Greenwash Officer

The Cardiff County Council Officer for Prosiect Gwyrdd is Robert Lambourne.

The Council representatives for the Members Steering Group are Cllr Mark Stephens and Cllr Elgan Morgan.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Incinerator cost shock!

Incinerator cost shock Eastbourne Herald, - 3 Oct 2007By Joanne Smith A major row has broken out following claims that a controversial incinerator will now cost double its original estimate. ...