Monday, September 27, 2010

Cardiff Council payment to consultants for P Gwyrdd/project incinerator

According to PGwyrdd's accounts for 2009/10, at,

Of course, she had to manage contracts for highly paid consultants, which totalled far over budget at almost £230 000 (below). She did this from the budget for "supplies and services" of £161 000, adjusted to £191 000, but was still £96 000 overspent. And a further £82 000 payments owing were deferred to the current year.  Evidently Tara was very successful as Project Manager.

The payments to consultants in the year were (with payments deferred to the current year shown in [...])

    1. Parson Brinkerhoff – Technical Advisors = £86,488 [£56 847]
    2. Pinsent Masons – Legal Advisors = £83,788 [£13 497]
    3. Grant Thornton – Financial Advisors = £59,705   [£11 976] 
      Total Advisors = £229,981

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