Thursday, November 10, 2011

Connah’s Quay launch of campaign against copying Project Gwyrdd.

Connah’s Quay launch of campaign against copying Project Gwyrdd.

A campaign is building up against the copy of Prosiect Gwyrdd that the Welsh Government is promoting in North Wales.  Three incinerator companies have been shortlisted to bid for a 25-year contract for municipal residual waste from Anglesey through to Flintshire, while Deeside on the eastern edge of the area has been suggested by officials.  The whole sorry saga of P Gwyrdd is set to be replicated – chasing a huge old-technology incinerator, with a PFI-type commitment to feed the beast with municipal waste for 25 years, along with deferring increased recycling and composting (only 65% by 2025).  The Welsh Government’s bribe is 25% of the gate-fee, but only for an incinerator, not for MBT alternatives (mechanical and bio-treatment), as adopted in greater Manchester and Lancashire.

A meeting has been called in Connah’s Quay by the Town Council for 22nd November, 6pm in the Civic Hall; contact person Cllr Aaron Shotton.

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