Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Questions for Prosiect Gwyrdd

The NOT GREEN Prosiect 'Gwyrdd'  = project massive incinerator (Gwyrdd is welsh for green!) The 2nd joint scrutiny meeting is tonight!
10th March 2010 at 5.00 pm Committee Room 4, Atlantic Wharf, County Hall, Cardiff -Prosiect Gwyrdd Joint Committee Agenda 10/03/10 (294k)
 Minutes of last meeting!! This was their first meeting  and minutes tell you Zilch!
Financial Position: Month 10 2009/10

Questions for Chair Cllr Mark Stephens Lib Dem and Tara King Project Manager Prosiect Gwyrdd
  • Has the financial assessment been revised to take into account the falling tonnages of residual waste (rather than increasing tonnages assumed)?
  • Has a financial assessment been calculated for scenarios in which residual household waste meets the targets given in the draft new Waste Strategy for Wales (maximum 295 kg per inhabitant per year in 2012-13, decreasing to 150 kg per inhabitant per year by 2024-5)?
  • what is the risk of choosing Viridor-type incineration, if incinerator bottom ash is found to be hazardous waste (cf. the EA says this is to be taken as the default) ?
  • what is the risk if CO2 from incineration is counted (it isn't at the moment) as adding to the carbon-footprint of 'waste management/disposal', as needed to conform with the EU ETS scheme, whereby the waste sector has to reduce CO2 equiv emissions by 16% (2020 levels compared with 2005)?
Tara King Project Manager Prosiect Gwyrdd wrote in Nov. that they haven't revised the financial assessment - and won't do so till the Final Business Case (after they've excluded better/cheaper options):
"reporting the Final Business Case (FBC). The FBC will not be proposed to Members for a decision for 18-20 months or more from now, the procurement is expected to take that long."

"Whichever way this Project is assessed, there are very significant affordability issues"
OBC Health-Check Addendum 2009
and in para 8.11.8. 9 "Given the magnitude of the ‘Gap’ that arises under both options, it is clear that partnering authorities will face a significant financial challenge to manage their future residual waste arrangements, irrespective of the final option that is chosen."

Tara King Project Gwyrdd manager stated that "all need to ‘sell’ the message of PG to wider stakeholders e.g. The Market professional bodies like CIWM." (19th March 2008, County Hall, Cardiff )

Title: Prosiect Gwyrdd Joint Committee

Description: Prosiect Gwyrdd Joint Committee
Location: Committee Room 4 County Hall
Date: 10/03/2010
Start: 05:00 PM

Prosiect Gwyrdd Joint Committee Agenda 10/03/10 (294k)
Prosiect Gwyrdd: Joint Committee Meeting
Meeting No: 02-10
Date & Time: 10th March 2010 at 5.00 pm
Location: Committee Room 4, Atlantic Wharf, County Hall, Cardiff

Membership: Councillor Mark Stephens (Chairperson)
Councillors Lyn Ackerman, David Atwell, Geoff Cox, David
Fouweather, Margaret Jones, Gordon Kemp, Colin Mann, Phil Murphy,
Eric Saxon

FIRST Meeting  - Minutes of last meeting!! Zilch
Financial Position: Month 10 2009/10

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